Is Tooth Extraction Painful Afterward?

Getting your tooth extracted may be necessary. An infection, gum disease, a crowded mouth, and severe tooth decay may require removing your tooth. You may wonder, is tooth extraction painful afterward? Below you will find helpful recovery tips if you need to get your tooth removed.

Is Tooth Extraction Painful Afterward?

There are effective ways to manage your symptoms after a tooth extraction. Your dentist will provide you with instructions on what to do after you leave their office. It is important to follow their instructions as it can help minimize any discomfort, improve the recovery process, and reduce your risk of infection. Consider the following tips after your tooth extraction.

Pain Medication:

Take any prescribed or over-the-counter pain medication as instructed by your dentist. This will help with pain management the first few days after the procedure.

Gauze Pads:

Your dentist will place gauze pads over the area where the tooth was extracted to reduce bleeding. This will allow a clot to form in the socket, the location where the tooth was removed. Biting down on the gauze pad can help with this process. Change the gauze pads once they become soaked with blood, usually a few hours post-procedure.


It is really important to focus on rest for the first few days after the procedure. The recovery process requires patience and resting can help speed up your recovery.

Cold Compress:

Use a cold compress to help reduce swelling. Apply the cold compress for a maximum of 10 minutes at a time at least every hour for the first few days (or until your swelling subsides).

Oral Care Routine:

Keeping your mouth clean as you are recovering is important. Continue to brush and floss your teeth, but avoid where your tooth was removed. Keeping up with your oral care routine can help reduce your risk of infection.

Elevate Your Head:

When you are awake, try and keep your head elevated. Use a few extra pillows when you sleep to prop up your head. This can help reduce bleeding and swelling.

Diet: Focus on soft foods for the first 24 hours. Pudding, soup, yogurt, applesauce, and smoothies are great options after your tooth has been extracted. As your extraction site heals you can include more solid foods. Check with your dentist if you have any concerns about what you can eat.

Salt Rinse:

A salt rinse can help clean out the area where your tooth was extracted. Use a solution made with 8 ounces of warm water and a half teaspoon of salt 24 hours after the procedure. Gently spit out the solution after rinsing your mouth out.

Things to Avoid Post-Extraction

Following your dentist’s instructions can help effectively manage any post-procedure symptoms. However, certain things can exacerbate your symptoms and cause pain. Avoid the following after your extraction.

No Smoking

Avoid smoking after your extraction as it can negatively impact the healing process.

No Straws

Drinking with straws can impact the socket where your tooth was extracted from. This can increase your recovery period and complicate the healing process.

No Spitting or Rinsing

For the first 24 hours, avoid spitting or rinsing as it can dislodge the clot formed in the socket.

When to Contact Your Dentist

The recovery process for a tooth extraction should be fairly smooth as long as you follow your dentist’s instructions. The following symptoms are outside of the normal recovery process, so contact your dentist right away if you experience any of the following issues.

  • Fever or chills
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain
  • Redness, swelling, or discharge from the extraction site

Tooth Extraction in Yucaipa

Tooth extraction in Yucaipa can help address a number of dental issues. If you think you need your tooth removed, contact the team at Shodhan Dentistry. They are skilled in both restorative and cosmetic dentistry in Yucaipa. Schedule an appointment with them today to improve your oral health and achieve your desired dental aesthetic!