First 24 Hours After Tooth Extraction

featured image for article about first 24 hours after tooth extraction

A tooth extraction can be beneficial for your oral health. Recovering from a tooth extraction can be difficult, especially during the first 24 hours. However, there are effective ways you can make the experience more comfortable. Focusing on recovering, taking good care of your oral health, and managing your discomfort are key. Below you will … Read more

Reasons Why Veneers Break

Woman with long blonde hair smiling posing with one hand on hip and the other hand on cheek.

For those who want to perfect their smile, veneers are a great way to achieve this. Veneers can address issues such as discoloration, chipped or cracked teeth, and even the size and shape of your teeth. They are custom-made, wafer-thin shells that are placed over your natural teeth. Despite veneers being strong and durable, some … Read more

What Injuries Require Replacing Your Tooth?

black and white stock photo of woman showing tooth between two fingers. Woman's cheek is highlighted red to show pain area.

While teeth are naturally really strong, accidents and issues can happen, which means you may need to get your tooth treated. Between poor oral hygiene and actual physical trauma, your teeth may be impacted and require replacement. Decaying, chipped, cracked, or knocked out teeth likely require immediate attention. Below you will find more information on … Read more