Top 5 Braces Myths You Should Know

Now, getting orthodontic treatments and wearing braces is becoming more common as people recognize its necessity for improving their dental and overall health. On top of that, braces have never been more convenient and comfortable than now, with a lot of modern solutions available for patients. Here are our top 5 braces myths you should know to understand the benefits of wearing braces.

Top 5 Braces Myths You Should Know

Myth 1. Only Teenagers Can Have Braces

In fact, braces are usually suitable for patients of any age. It is true that teenage years are considered to be the best age for getting braces because the jawbone tissue is still soft and more responsive at this age. This being said, there is no age ceiling for modern orthodontic treatment techniques. An experienced dentist will help you achieve the best results regardless of your age.

Myth 2. Wearing Braces Is Very Painful

It is true that experiencing some discomfort and soreness for some time is very common after dentist visits when braces are adjusted. This happens because braces work by applying pressure to your teeth to help them move into a proper position. This being said, patients do not experience pain all the time while wearing braces. Your teeth get used to the pressure, and the pain and discomfort go away.

On top of that, there are many modern improvements to the appearance and function of braces that make wearing them much more comfortable than it used to in the past.

Myth 3. You Have to Wear Braces for a Very Long Time

Not every patient has to wear braces for a long time to get the desired results. The time frame can vary a lot and very much depends on the severity of the case and other factors.

Some patients need to wear braces for as little as 15 months. Generally, the time range of the treatment is from 15 to 24 months, with an average of 20 months. Also, the results typically will start being noticeable pretty soon, which makes it easier to put up with the length of the treatment.

Myth 4. Only Traditional Metal Braces Are an Option

It is true that depending on the condition of your teeth, metal braces might be the most efficient option for achieving the desired results. However, for many patients, there are other solutions available:

  • Clear ceramic braces
  • Clear aligners
  • Lingual braces

Nowadays, modern dental technology allows for some teeth straightening solutions to be almost unnoticeable.

Myth 5. Straight Teeth Are The Only Benefit of Braces

People tend to think that the only reason to get braces is to have a straight smile. Those who do not particularly care for aesthetics, might not consider braces as a necessity at all. However, there are many other indications that you might need braces, as well as many benefits to wearing them. Here is only a part of what braced can help with:

Make Maintaining Oral Hygiene Easier

If the teeth are crowded or not aligned properly, it is harder to clean them. Some food residue might remain in places that are hard to reach with a brush due to teeth misalignment. When your teeth are properly aligned by braces, it becomes easier to clean them properly. Thus, general oral hygiene and health improve.

Prevent Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

If you can not properly clean your teeth due to misalignment or crowding, pluck starts to build up. Later, this can lead to gum inflammation gu,m disease, and tooth decay. So, good alignment is the first and one of the most important steps in tooth decay and gum disease prevention.

Improve Bite and Chewing Effectiveness

Having a proper bite is also important for maintaining oral and overall health. A bad bite can result in ineffective chewing and jaw stress. Wearing braces can help achieve a properly aligned bite.

Improve Digestion

Chewing food properly is the first step on the way to having good digestion. As we mentioned before, aligned teeth make chewing much more effective, which has a positive influence on your digestion. On top of that, good oral health is a big part of the overall health of the digestive tract.

Improve Overall Health

Braces help to improve your dental health, and dental health has a big influence on the condition of your whole body. Dental diseases are associated with such problems as heart disease, diabetes, and pregnancy complications. Good health starts with a healthy smile.

Getting an orthodontic treatment with braces has many benefits beyond just a straight smile. Modern orthodontic solutions make it more comfortable to achieve our patients’ smiles and health goals. Make an appointment with one of our specialists at Shodhan Yucaipa to get a full and detailed consultation about treatments suitable for you and to learn more about braces and orthodontics.