How to Fix a Chipped Tooth

A chipped tooth can cause a lot of pain, impact your meals, and even lead to other tooth problems if not properly treated. While people have tried at-home remedies to attempt to repair a chipped tooth, it can be painful and lead to further issues. Your best bet is to visit the dentist, but it’s also important to manage your pain and ensure your tooth stays healthy in the meantime. Below is a complete guide on how to fix a chipped tooth.

How to Fix a Chipped Tooth

  • No DIY Treatment: As mentioned, do not try to fix anything at home as this is a job for the professionals.
  • Rinse: If you have chipped your tooth, rinse your mouth with warm water right away to clean and flush out your mouth. This is important as you want to rinse out as much harmful bacteria as possible.
  • Pain Management: Apply a cold compress to the outside of your cheek every few minutes to reduce the swelling. It’s also advisable to take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory to help reduce swelling and address any pain. Lastly, if you can find the portion of your chipped tooth that has come off, wrap it in wet gauze and bring it to the dentist.
  • Meals: Until your dentist appointment, avoid chewing on the side of your mouth with the damaged tooth. You can also floss around the tooth to reduce any pressure or irritation from the inflammation.
  • Protect: If your tooth has a small chip, you can apply dental wax to keep it from damaging your mouth or cutting your tongue. Again, ask your dentist before you do this as it has the potential to further damage your chipped tooth if it’s not applied properly.

Dental Bonding Yucaipa

The most common treatment method for a chipped tooth is dental bonding. This can get your tooth back to normal again without issue. The dentist will remove any excess debris and slightly roughen the chipped area. They will then fill the area with a conditioning liquid and finalize the procedure by applying a tooth-colored material called resin. This procedure is very simple, non-invasive, and relatively pain-free. If your chipped tooth isn’t too deep, the dentist can also polish it. A polish can easily smooth the surface area where the chip was.

Prevention Measures

While your teeth can withstand a lot of pressure, they can also be easily chipped or cracked. Accidents happen, so you can’t prevent everything. But you can take steps to strengthen your teeth. Below you will find steps to help keep your enamel strong and healthy.

  • Diet: Limiting sugary foods and increasing calcium-rich foods into your diet can help strengthen your teeth. Avoid sodas, juices, candy, and pastries as the sugar has acids that can be harmful to your enamel.
  • Fluoride: Toothpaste or mouthwash that has fluoride can help strengthen your enamel and repair the early stages of tooth decay. It can also help your teeth become more resistant to the harmful acids that come from food and bacteria in your mouth.
  • Regular Dental Visits: Visit the dentist every six months and follow your dentist’s recommendations for how to maintain optimal oral health.

Dentist Yucaipa

If you have a chipped tooth or are concerned about your oral health in general, contact Shodhan Dentistry of Yucaipa. Shodhan Dentistry has the top dentist in the region, friendly staff, and state-of-the-art facilities. Dr. Shodhan is also the best five-star rated dentist in the area. Each patient receives first-class treatment with an individualized treatment plan. With over a decade of experience, Dr. Shodhan can help with all of your dental needs. Contact the office today for an appointment!