How Root Canals Utilize Laser Tech

Root Canals are an essential part of a dentist’s tool set. Despite their dreaded status, they are often the procedure that’s called for to remove problematic and diseased teeth. Below we look at how root canals utilize laser tech.

The technology surrounding root canals is becoming ever more sophisticated. Nowadays, laser technology is often utilized in a root canal to make the procedure more efficient and painless.

How Root Canals Utilize Laser Tech

If you have a root canal treatment due or are just interested in how this surgery is evolving with the times, check out this review of how laser technology is implemented in modern root canal surgery.

What Is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a procedure where a dentist uses various instruments to remove diseased and problematic teeth that might be causing a patient pain in their mouth.

Long-term damage to one’s teeth can cause the hard outer casing of the enamel to decay to the point that the inner pulp of the teeth is exposed to the elements. This is oftentimes very painful.

During a traditional root canal, a dentist makes a tiny incision in the outer layer of the teeth to access the pulp within. After drilling through the outer case, they removed the diseased pulp in the inner layer of the teeth and then sealed the incision again.

Root canals have developed a bit of a reputation for being somewhat uncomfortable, which has given many patients anxiety about having to receive this kind of treatment. However, a successfully performed root canal oftentimes completely frees a patient from whatever pain they were experiencing by removing the problematic tooth completely.

When Do I Need a Root Canal?

Only a dental professional can truly identify exactly when a root canal is needed. However, if you’re experiencing some of the following symptoms, you may want to discuss with your dental professional whether a root canal is needed in your case:

  • Increased sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Swollen gums
  • Tender gums
  • Dark coloration on your gums
  • Damaged teeth
  • Tooth abscess
  • Severe tooth pain

One or just a few of these symptoms can indicate that the pulp of one’s teeth has become infected or inflamed. Scheduling a dental consultation to discuss whether or not this

Lasers and Root Canals

Laser dentistry can be effectively combined with traditional root canal techniques to reduce pain and still exterminate the bacteria that have caused the decay of the teeth in the first place. Lasers are also often able to reach hard-to-access parts of the mouth and teeth for an overall more efficacious and satisfactory procedure.

Lasers are also able to more precisely expose the pulp of the teeth and attack the specific area of the teeth that is causing pain. While this is achieved, the rest of the mouth is spared some of the other bothersome elements of receiving this type of treatment, like undergoing an anesthetic.

Laser root canals also often leave the teeth considerably cleaner than a traditional root canal. Another bonus is that the frictionless nature of a laser root canal oftentimes means that there is less bleeding involved.

Advantages of A Laser Root Canal

In the hands of a highly trained dental professional, a laser root canal can be a very effective tool. Some of the benefits reported by patients who receive this type of treatment include:

  • A faster procedure
  • An overall more accurate procedure
  • Faster recovery times
  • An overall higher success rate

Speaking with you endodontist on whether or not a laser root canal is right for you can help you to decide whether or not this type of treatment would ultimately be beneficial for your own dental situation.

Preparing For a Laser Root Canal

Preparation for a laser root canal goes similarly to preparation for a traditional root canal. Before any treatment is performed, you’ll undergo a pre-surgical consultation to discuss with your physician whether or not laser treatment is appropriate for your personal situation.

Should it be deemed so, you’ll likely be approved for the treatment you’re looking for with little hassle. Laser treatment has very few differences from a traditional root canal in terms of the risks involved, so patients who are approved for one will typically find themselves approved for the other. You’ll be able to discuss any relevant details with your dentist.

The Root Canal Experts of Yucaipa

Shodan Dentistry of Yucaipa offers patients gentle and effective root canal treatments designed to minimize pain and maximize results. If you want to talk to a dental professional about your own root canal plans, contact our dental office today in order to schedule a consultation.