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Do Hospitals Have Emergency Dentists?

An emergency dentist is a medical specialist who provides care in cases when medical attention is required immediately, for example, in cases of oral injuries. This leads many to the question, “Do hospitals have emergency dentists, or do you have to go to a specialized dental office?”. Please read our article, in which we give the answer to this question and discuss the main types of dental emergencies.


Do Hospitals Have Emergency Dentists?

Typically, hospitals do not have emergency dentists. However, they can provide some help, such as prescribing antibiotics or pain relief medication. They can also give you a referral to a dentist if you require one. Emergency rooms in general hospitals will be equipped to deal with such types of oral and facial trauma as lacerations in the face or mouth, a broken or dislodged jaw, compromised breathing, etc. Other types of dental emergencies should be treated at an emergency dental office. 


Types of Dental Emergencies

Below, we list several dental issues that require going to an emergency dentist.


A Broken or Chipped Tooth

In many cases, a broken or chipped tooth can be restored with, for example, dental bonding. If you are able to collect a chipped-off piece of your tooth, bring it to the dental office. Your doctor might be able to bond it back to the tooth. 


A Dislodged Tooth

A dislodged tooth is a condition when the tooth is still in its socket but is not stable. With proper and timely treatment, it can be prompted to heal and become secure in the socket again.


A Knocked Out Tooth

If your tooth gets completely knocked out of its socket, try preserving it, if possible, and bring it to the dental office. If you act quickly and get professional help within 30 to 60 minutes after the accident, your tooth might be replaced into its socket and saved. 

To preserve the knocked-out tooth, place it into a clean container filled with saliva or milk. You can also use a special other-the-counter kit for this purpose. Do not let the tooth dry out, but do not store it in water. If the tooth is dirty, lightly rinse it with clean water, but do not dub it, and do not use soap, as it can damage the roots. 

Another option for preserving the knocked-out tooth on your way to the dental office is to keep it in your mouth, in between your cheek and gums. However, be very careful not to swallow it.

If the knocked-out tooth is clean, for example, it did not fall on the ground, you can carefully replace it in its socket and keep it there until you get to see your emergency dentist. However, remember that the tooth is very unlikely to heal on its own, even if you put it back in the socket. You need professional medical help to secure it and prompt its regeneration.


Acute Toothache

Acute toothache most likely signifies infection within the tooth, its roots, or the surrounding gum tissue. The fact that the pain is strong means that the infection is extensive and requires immediate attention. If you leave it unchecked for days and just take painkillers, you risk the infection spreading to the gums, surrounding teeth, and jawbone. Also, untreated infection can lead to tooth loss.


Bleeding of the Gums

Bleeding of the gums often means that advanced gum disease is present—a chronic infectious condition. At this stage, it can lead to tooth loss and damage to the jaw bone structure, thus requiring immediate treatment. 


Cysts on the Gums 

Cysts on the gums can signify infection within the tooth or the gums. In some cases, small cysts can go away on their own, but you should still be attentive to their condition. If the cyst gets bigger, we recommend seeing an emergency dentist.


A Broken or Lost Dental Restoration

Examples of a broken dental restoration include:

  • A chipped or fallen-out dental filling
  • A broken dental bridge 
  • A chipped or broken dental crown

When a dental restoration cracks, breaks, or falls out, there is a risk of infection in the tooth or the gums. For example, in the case of a dental filling that fell out, bacteria and food can impact the weakened tooth, leading to extensive tooth decay.


Come to Shodhan Yucaipa in Case of Emergency

Do not hesitate to call our office in case of a dental emergency. In the Shodhan Yucaipa dental office, a reliable and highly qualified emergency dentist will attend to your immediate needs to help preserve your oral health.